Why I am writing this blog
People of faith write about spirituality and God. People of doubt write about skepticism and logic. This blog is meant to occupy the space in between.
I am writing because I am not abandoning my principles of doubt and skepticism as I walk a path of spiritual growth. I’m learning to understand and to practice spirituality within the framework of my Agnostic and Humanistic worldview.
I’m writing this blog because, aside from specifically Buddhist literature, I've never seen anyone writing about personal spiritual growth from the perspective of one who genuinely values the ideals of skepticism and rationality. This is my experience, and this is my journey. And I don’t believe I am alone.
What I hope to accomplish with the blog
First of all, it is not my intention to convert or convince anyone of anything. I only write to share my own experiences and my own perspectives.
I hope that others who value rationality and skepticism will find a new world open up to them that they have previously felt was unapproachable or lacked value.
I hope that my words may help to further communication and understanding between people of faith and people of doubt. My journey is to jump into the river which divides the provinces of these two peoples, to swim upstream, and then to relate to all what I see and experience.
Dear reader,
If you find value in my words, please share this with others. I am investing the time and effort to write about my experience because I hope that you find value in it. I believe that there is an audience for this, and I hope the blog finds its audience.
I encourage feedback. I'm posting my email address, and I'm allowing anonymous comments on the blog. But if you choose to comment or contact me, please be respectful and kind. Spiritual and philosophical conversations can quickly devolve into spiteful, malicious arguments. When that happens, it benefits no one.
You may contact me privately at
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